"Agriculture is the ABC of industrial education."
Moreover the profit of the earth is for all: the king himself is served by the field. Ecclesiastes 5:9. HHH loves agriculture for two reason in particular: it reveals God's love for man; and also His power. "Next to the Bible, nature is to be our great lesson book." It is our prayer and work to develop as far as possible in this line of endeavor. All health food begins in the garden/farm/orchard. Hence, we're developing a self-sustaining health food business which includes a farm. Good progress is being made, but still much more needs to be accomplished. During this whole process we seasonally offer gardening education and services.
Agricultural Education
We teach and practice agriculture from a Biblical perspective because it originated from God. "And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it." Genesis 2:5. Furthermore, we sum up farming with what we call the 7Ps: Planning, Preparing, Planting, Parenting, Picking, Preserving & Peddling. It is our hope and desire to make agriculture as simple, enjoyable and practical as possible for all.
Gardening Services
Over the years we have been able to help individuals and groups get their gardens going. We can also help you as well. Please feel free to contact us about this. Also see the pictures below of our services in times past...